
Restructuring of Companies

In the current economic situation in Poland, many companies face problems within the framework of their activities and achieve unsatisfactory financial results, which may lead to a decrease in the value of the company or threaten its survival on the market.

Working on behalf of distressed companies, their owners and creditors, we focus on protecting, rebuilding or recovering the value hidden in underperforming companies. We offer advisory services for comprehensive restructuring solutions and support the implementation processes.

Chartered Accountants understand the challenges faced by the management of companies in difficulty. They have the skills and experience to help them address strategic, operational and financial issues so that continuous improvement can be achieved while rebuilding value for the owners of the distressed business.

Our services include:

  • Business valuations,
  • Performing financial and tax due diligence reviews,
  • Legal expertise in the field of mergers and acquisitions,
  • Preparation of a plan to harmonise and unify the accounting system,
  • Searching for business entities and their preliminary analysis for acquisition purposes,
  • Restructuring of companies