Being an entity entitled to analysing financial statements, we carry out analyses and reviews according to international standards and Polish norms of practicing the auditing profession. What is more, we analyse financial statements to international (IAS), American (US GAAP) and German (HBII) standards as well as make transformations of financial statements from the Polish law to these standards. We also assist in making subscriptional offers and are ready to share our experience in solving economic and accounting problems.
Our services include:
Analysing and reviewing financial statements and auditing
according to Polish and international accounting standards (IAS, US GAAP, HBII)
Outsourcing bookkeeping
Advising and tax reviewing
Advising on accountancy
Advising on economic and financial issues
Advising and assisting in taking over and merger
Restructuring of companies
Advising on putting into practice systems of accounting and finances